Apple Intelligence

Apple Intelligence Is a Big Deal… For Adoption

Apple Intelligence Is a Big Deal… For Adoption.

I’ll add my take to the chorus of voices reacting to Apple’s WWDC AI presentation this week.

It’s a big deal, but we won’t feel it in a shocking way like some past Apple launches.

The privacy angle aside (which remains a winning argument), Apple’s biggest contribution may well be the democratization of AI and the emergence of AI prevalence in everyday consumer use.

We know that, despite all the news and promises and doomsayers, AI is not widely used.  4% of young people (future AI natives) use AI daily and about half have never used it.  Among those that do, the use cases are limited; 51% used it to get information and brainstorm.

AI isn’t intuitive to use today.  Chat applications are an open portal but require prompt expertise to maximize value.  Other applications have similar challenges—powerful, but not intuitive for most users.

Apple will bring AI front and center, as as they tend to do, will make the whole experience more user friendly and integrated in a way no one else has. 

It’s easy to foresee this experience—integrated into a UX so many use daily—ushering in a broader AI adoption at the application layer and hopefully a new era of innovation at that layer.  That’s really exciting.

AlleyCorp has an array of thoughts on AI (a future post) but that the incumbents win round 1 is among the core early theses, and Apple is modeling one reason why that’s the case.